Sunday, June 10, 2007

Your Eyes

You’re imposing with your smile so dazzling
On the water a “brightest” reflection of sun shining
Like a diamond streak on the creek that flows
You’re like a tree leaf that tickles in a second the wind blows

You laugh out loud at the jokes in a crowd
The loneliness you feel always in shroud
You dance your head in different direction
Choreography in purpose, to mask your desolation

But I am a friend, who would know you ‘til the end
The empty feeling that bends, even I can’t seem to mend
Your heart is big, still feel alone
Another one like yours may set it atone

I see your act for a play will sell
But I see your eyes I still can tell
They were bare and null, revealed your barren mind
They can’t justify your pretenses, despite of all the lines

The sadness that insisted in you
You only have it because you let it to
To sky you must now look up to
Your eyes to let it shine through

The tears you control, you successfully tanked inside
Through your eyes, let it flow, there’s no need for it to hide
Stop concealing the truth in your obsolete, absolute smile
Your eyes never lie, if you cry, it’ll be all worthwhile.

(Photographed by Reema K)

1 comment:

Reema said...

Hi hon, this nicely written poem of yours, especially the last paragraph, totally describes how I feel at times. It's kinda strange, don;t you think, that your words perfectly well described another one's emotions. Good poem, I liked it, and yes I'm still thinking of what artistic touch to give it, are you looking for photography specifically or art as well?

Have a happy evening :)