Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hark! Thy wish to love thee now
You vanished for days and nights, so how?
Though sensed through words so strong, you speak
“Be mine, my princess, the one I seek”

“Believe my heart, it lives for you”
Your soul that begs, the mists of two
The vision so vivid, of face not known
The flesh, no form; the character has shown
On knees, to err, then forgiveness you plead
The sun has risen, my wound still bleed
The promise was made, in your memory got lost
In the game you played, I’m the prey, you’re the host

My name is treasure, a flower, a myth
In the winds you call, though your voice in fleet
The absences of regard, in the length I reckon
Each time a chance, I remained on the second

Oh! Your wish is to love you, but how?
In my dreams to be gone, in my eyes to see you now
As strong as my words, as I speak, you to hear
Hypocrisy be wasted, true prince is what I seek

To live in my heart, to believe that you’re true
In the midst of my soul, details of you too
Imagine no more, the feature shall be known
The grasp of your nature, full substance in tone

May I be the treasure, “exotic” you keep?
Speak of my name, as I lay to my sleep
Say the nice today; bring the love while I live
Pass up the chance; I’ll be gone in a second


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