Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who knows who?

A year ago, a friend of mine sent me a humor mail containing different comic strips and verses about corporate morale. Money talking or not, human behaviors still play the businesses orchestra, whether it is a small retail store business, an insurance company, manufacturers or even government. People begin to lose the idea of working hard to get "there", why? It is so much easier to get promoted if you know who to "tickle". They master their creativity into pleasing their superiors by learning so much about this person. What's worst? It has nothing to do with the corporation but rather the "in-corporation" that always play a louder music and always gets all the attention.

In my personal professional experience in the health-care industry, I have established my credibility as an employee by working so unbelievably hard and perform the tasks I was assigned to do to the highest quality. I, not only learned the job but mastered it. Through the years I have received over a dozen of recommendation letters from providers, consultants and co-workers. My experiences in the area of Health Information Management somehow made it easy for me to get hired for the same position for decades. However, getting promotion was out of the question as my intelligence and capabilities are obviously not the "criteria" needed to get the advancement I deserve. Simply because....I don't kiss ass! Wow, i said that loud, didn't I? In my working environment, a good observant will be able to determine who the "disciples" are. You sometimes will see them parading in the workplace like a "mafia". Are they all exemplary employees? Well, depends on what area we're pertaining to. Working it in or working it out?

A business won't last, may shine for a while but won't last unless the morale practices involve use of better judgments on assigning people to perform the work needed to get done. The economy needed people who can make it survive not who can go around it. Each role in a particular business operation is significant and each position must function to it's appropriate level of performance to keep a clean and progressive business operation. The mainframe of any enterprise or administration is staffing. There are lots of qualified honest employees and people who really have good potential to learn and perform adequately once given the opportunity, far more ethical and skilled. As long as someone in the corporate administration keep the nepotistic practice to its exaggeration, no business operation will last.

(here's a borrowed clip for your entertainment)